Sunday, June 20, 2010

Source of inspiration 19 (click on this title!): Jack-in-the-Box

This toy is a Jack-in-the-Box. No one knows who made the first Jack-in-the-Box, but historiens think that they have existed since the Middle-Ages. One of the first known was a present by a German clock maker to the son of a local Prince. This kind of toy became more and more popular from the 17th century on.

I think the fascinating thing about the Jack-in-the-Box is that you are always surprised each time you open it!

One time, I saw, in a kindergarten, a little girl ask: "Why he is always there? Why is he always popping out? Why does he not stay in his house!?" She was not happy with the explanation given by the kindergarten teacher. The whole day she opened the box and she was always very surprised that Jack kept saying "hello!" to her again and again...

She played with a really beautiful Jack-in-the-Box, but there are also very ugly Jacks who look like devils, nasty clowns or who have twisted faces. I do not know if these ugly versions are the best for children. They make them scared.

When I was a little girl I did not like to play with a Jack-in-the-Box. I was always so frightened, even if I opened it for the 100th time... I also did not want to close the box, because I thought that Jack might be scared in the darkness in his small box.

Article by Annika Nischik

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